Research and Innovation Symposium for European Security and Defence (RISE-SD) 2024
The third RISE-SD was held in Chalkidiki, Greece, in 2024. Among the official guests of the symposium were:
- Babak Akhgar, Professor of Informatics and Director of CENTRIC at Sheffield Hallam University and Fellow of British Computer Society;
- Ernesto La Mattina, Head of the Data Centric AI Research Unit, within the Digital Technologies Business Unit at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa;
- Giannis Skiadaresis, Area Coordinator for Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) and Strengthened Security research and Innovation (SSRI) in the Unit on Security Research and Innovation of Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) in European Commission;
- Nizar Touleimat, Director of the research and innovation program for the application of Smart Digital Systems to Security and Defence within the LIST Institute of the French Commission for Alternative and Atomic Energies (CEA);
- Paola Piccinini, serves as the Head of the Emerging Security Challenges Unit at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), located in Ispra, Italy;
- Theodora Tsikrika, PhD received the Degree in Computer Science from University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece, the MSc degree in Advanced Methods in Computer Science from Queen Mary, University of London, UK, and the PhD degree in Computer Science also from Queen Mary, University of London, UK.
The main topics of the RISE-SD 2024 include:
- Better protect the EU and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism;
- Civil Protection and Disaster-Resilient Societies;
- Effective management of EU external borders;
- Resilient Critical Infrastructures and Smart Cities;
- Increased Cybersecurity;
- Strengthened Security Research and Innovation.
Go to RISE-SD 2024 website.

Research and Innovation Symposium for European Security and Defence (RISE-SD) 2023
The second RISE-SD was held in Rhodes, Greece, in 2023. Among the official guests of the symposium were:
- Marcel van Berlo, EU Manager Civil Security research;
- Paolo Venturoni, CEO;
- Panagiotis Kikiras, Head of Unit Technology and Innovation;
- Grigorios Apostolou, Head of Frontex Liaison Office;
- Cristina Brăilescu, Team Leader Prevention and Preparedness Programme;
- Marianthi Theocharidou, Cybersecurity expert.
- Sebastian Serwiak, Policy Officer.
- Giannis Skiadaresis, SSRI Area Coordinator.
- Athanasios Mantarlis, Deputy Director P.D. Orestiada.
- Georgios Kolliarakis, Senior Advisor Technology, Security, Research.
- Michael Kotsias, General Secretariat for Research & Innovation Head of Unit, EU & International Organizations.
- Guillermo Griem, Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Policy Officer.
- Emmanouil Fragoulopoulos, Brigadier General, Commander of the Hellenic Research and Technology Center.
- Sergio Albani, Head of Research, Technology Development and Innovation Unit.
- Giulio Maria Mancini, Policy Officer, Coordinator Border Management Innovation.
- Rainer Jungwirth, Teamleader - Hybrid Threats and Critical Entities Resilience.
- Nicolas Faivre, Project Officer.
- Christina Corbane, Leader of the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre.
The quantitative expression of the registered participants in the symposium were:
- 6 Civil Protection and Disaster-Resilient Societies;
- 3 Critical Infrastructures Resilience and Smart Cities;
- 3 Better protect the E.U. and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism;
- 5 Effective management of E.U. external borders;
- 3 Enhancing defense of the E.U.;
- 2 Increased Cybersecurity;
- 4 Strengthened Security Research and Innovation;
- 2 Artificial Intelligence.
Go to RISE-SD 2023 website.

Research and Innovation Symposium for European Security and Defence (RISE-SD) 2022
The first RISE-SD was held during the International Fair in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in 2022. Among the official guests of the symposium were:
- Daniel Lorer, Minister of Innovation and Growth of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- Stanimir Georgiev, Deputy Minister of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- John-Mikal Størdal (online), Director of the NATO STO Collaboration Support Office;
- Erich Staudacher, General Manager, AFCEA Europe;
- Marek Kalbarczyk, Deputy Director Research, Technology and Innovation, European Defence Agency;
- Sebastian Serwiak, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission.
The quantitative expression of the registered participants in the symposium were:
- 27 Research and Innovation Projects;
- 4 Networks of Practitioners;
- 2 EDIDP Projects;
- 2 PESCO Projects;
- 1 National Research Program.

Go to RISE-SD 2022 website.