H2020 R&I Projects
TEAMAWARE (confirmed)
Team Awareness Enhanced with Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
RESPOND-A (confirmed)
Next-generation equipment tools and mission-critical strategies for First Responders
ISOLA (confirmed)
Innovative & Integrated Security System on Board Covering the Life Cycle of a Passenger Ships Voyage
iProcureSecurity (confirmed)
Strategic Partnership of Emergency Medical Service Practitioners for Coordination of Innovation Procurement
CDE4Peace (confirmed)
Concept Development and Experimentation for EU Conflict Prevention and Peace-building
ASSISTANCE (confirmed)
Adapted Situation AwareneSS tools and taIlored training scenarios for increaSing capabiliTies and enhANcing the proteCtion of First RespondErs
PROACTIVE (confirmed)
PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society
NESTOR (confirmed)
aN Enhanced pre-frontier intelligence picture to Safeguard The EurOpean boRders
aqua3S (confirmed)
Enhancing Standardisation strategies to integrate innovative technologies for Safety and Security in existing water networks
VALKYRIES (confirmed)
Harmonization and Pre-Standardization of Equipment, Training and Tactical Coordinated procedures for First Aid Vehicles deployment on European multi-victim Disasters
CREST (confirmed)
Fighting Crime and TerroRism with an IoT-enabled Autonomous Platform based on an Ecosystem of Advanced IntelligEnce, Operations, and InveStigation Technologies
FORESIGHT (confirmed)
Advanced cyber-security simulation platform for preparedness training in Aviation, Naval and Power-grid environments
ODYSSEUS (confirmed)
Preventing, Countering, and Investigating Terrorist Attacks Through Prognostic, Detection, and Forensic Mechanisms for Explosive Precursors
ECHO (confirmed)
European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations
FOLDOUT (confirmed)
Through-FOLiage Detection, including in the OUTermost regions of the EU
H2020 Network of Practitioners Projects
MEDEA (confirmed)
Mediterranean practitioners’ network capacity building for effective response to emerging security challenges
iProcureNet (confirmed)
innovation by developing a European Procurer Networking for security research services
NOTIONES (confirmed)
iNteracting netwOrk of inTelligence and securIty practitiOners with iNdustry and acadEmia actorS
EDIDP/EDF Projects
PESCO Projects
Other Programs
RESIWATER (confirmed)
Innovative secure sensor networks and model-based assessment tools for increased resilience of water infrastructures
POLICE (confirmed)
Implementation of modern policies and tools for the selection and evaluation of human resources in the Protection and Guard Service
COURAGEOUS (confirmed)
Building a common understanding of the effectiveness of counter-UAS solutions
Projects Funded by National Programmes
TechTrends 2040 (confirmed)
Methodology for identifying trends in the development of military technologies and their impact on building the defence capabilities of the Republic of Bulgaria.